Thursday 14 January 2010

2010 In Pictures #8

1990: The Bronx Warriors (1982)
Dir: Enzo G. Castellari

Must I revoke my Mondo card for being weirdly underwhelmed by Enzo Castellari’s The Bronx Warriors? Mad Max and Doomsday aside, I feel I’m just not a fan of the post-apocalyptic stuff. This includes Escape From New York. I simply can’t shake the feeling that the overwhelming majority of the genre consists of a lot of aimless wandering around building sites avoiding shadey characters who weren't able to get into variety of terrible nightclubs.

It’d be disingenuous to not admit a few of stand-out moments which enliven the narrative stagnation, though albeit momentarily.

* the excellent random dummer who accompanies an early death scene. He's plainly the star of the show
* Fred Williamson in his extraordinarily array of exceedingly camp silk shirts
* Vic Morrow laughing both in and out of a helicopter.

However, there are two major problems which are insurmountable.

Major problem #1 is with The Bronx Warriors's post-apocalyptic status: it is not actually set after any discernable apocalypse.
Major problem #2 is with The Bronx Warriors’ location: many scenes in the BRONX Warriors are demonstrably filmed in BROOKLYN and STATEN ISLAND.

Having said this, Shameless Screen Entertainment's DVDs are, regardless of the film's individual merits, pretty indispensible for any exploitation fans' cinema library.

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